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Steam Walker

Action - Mechs






Starting for the desire to do a mech game and looking at references, Arthur (my colleague) and I agreed to make a real time base game with a slow pacing gameplay in a Steampunk univers.

We want the player to feel like a genius commander of a mech, gather information in the battlefield and adjust his tactic to triumph.

With this, we want the player to manage the mech steam and include it in his strategy and tactic.


Steam Walker is a project for the portfolio required by school. This tooks place in 2023 for a period of 2 weeks.

It is a personal project in which I was focus on System Design purely ,however I worked with A.Arthur with whom we exchange a lot about the design and he worked on the Narative Design.

My tasks in this project

1. Do an Editor presentation document.

2. Do a Feature Design Document.

3. Make an Excel on how customisation work and a Machination to illustrate the aiming mechanic.

4. Make the persona and what's not of the project.

Tasks details

Task n°1 : Do an Editor presentation document.

For this project, I had to do a document oriented toward a presentation of the game, espicially for the editor.

It is a short document to give an overview of the games as well as our intentions behind the game. To make it, I discussed a lot with my colleague (A.Arthur) and took notes at the same time. There is two goals :

1. Design together the game in general and exchange ideas.

2. Be sure to be align and have the same intention/vision of the game.

Using the notes, I could make the document quickly.


Task n°2 : Do a Feature Design Document for Fight.

To complete the editor presentation document, I explained how the fight feature function in a more details way. As It is the core game feature, it is more relevant to work on it and show that I have a clear idea how the game work.

To make it, I organised a meeting with my colleague to discuss about the feature and took some notes. I organised also a simple paper prototype to simulate the game. It helps me to design the all the details, for exemple, the "steam" mechanic that can either help or inconvenience the player if he does not manage it well.

I explained how the feature work in details using short paragraphe, references and a flowchart.

Task n°3 : Make an excel on mech customisation and a Machination for the aiming mechanic.

I made an excel for the mech customisation mechanic to show how the mechanic work, how it should be display for the player and to use it to work on content and balancing.

The main page is for the customisation part. Choose different pieces to compose the mech and calculate the mech statistic with a part that will be shown to the player and another not.

Each piece as his page to create the piece with a name and different statistics. The last page is use for calcul or other things.

In addition, to illustrate the aiming mechanic, I made a machination. It show the calculs and provide a support for programmer how they could code this mechanic.

Task n°4 : Make the persona and what's not of the project.

I made the What's Not to explain what we won't/could do for the game that was not planned in it. From the left, what we don't want, to the right, what we could discuss to add if the idea is interesting.

I also made Persona according to our intention for the game. It helps to define for who we are selling and what we should focus on if we go for a full production.

Bonus Material(s)

Editor Presentation

FeatureDesign Document

Excel Customisation


Persona and What's Not

Thanks for your visit !

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