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Playing the role of Billy Sheif, a food truck chef, he tries to make a name for himself through his cooking to gain enough influence to find his missing grandfather in a coastal town controlled by clans.

  • ​Game Designer & Quality Assurance

  • Adventure game

The space'ial Delivery : Needs You


The Space'ial Delivery : Needs You is a game about working in a team to make a spaceship functioning. Their objective is to deliver a package while trying to survive space's dangers and upgrade their spaceship and items.

  • ​Game Designer & System Designer

  • Coop Arcade Space Sim

Masked City


Masked city is a mix of Uncharted and Sunset Overdrive. The player plays Kiara, a thief, who wants to steal an ancient relic to sell it. To do so, she has to fight, explore and solves mysteries.

  • ​Game Designer

  • Action-Adventure



Ch'Empire is a game inspired Northgard and Dune, but the player embodies a character. 
He has to discover the truth about the mushroom civilisation by managing a village by conqueering / exploring / exploiting / building.

  • ​Game, 3C, Technical Designer

  • RTS & 4X

Personal work



In Steam-Walker, players embodied a mercenary in command of a steampunk-mech. He can accept gigs from different faction and change the war outcome.

  • Game Designer & System Designer

  • Action-Management (with RPG)



The player embodies a mercenary during an alternate World War I in Germany. He is engaged by a belligerent country to fight with his weapons and gadgets.

  • Game Designer & Technical Designer

  • Action-RPG

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